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Oabject Language
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The language in which the dictionar gies definitions an explanations. If the same as oabject language, then the dictionar is monolingual. If different the dictionar is bilingual
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The digital dictionary of the German language
Oabject Language German METALANGAUGE German GENRE General dictionars, Portals an aggregators http://www.dwds.de/
Oabject Language German METALANGAUGE German GENRE General dictionars https://www.duden.de/woerterbuch
Oabject Language German Sign Language METALANGAUGE German GENRE General dictionars https://dw-dgs.de
Sorbian-German dictionary Oabject Language Sorbian METALANGAUGE Sorbian, German GENRE General dictionars http://www.dolnoserbski.de/
Dictionary of the Skolt and Kola Lapp Languages Oabject Language Sami METALANGAUGE Finnish, German GENRE General dictionars http://www.sgr.fi/lexica/lexicaxv.html
Oabject Language Luxembourgish METALANGAUGE German GENRE General dictionars http://engelmann.uni.lu:8080/portal/WBB2009/LWB//wbgui_py
Mīlenbaha - Endzelīna Dictionary of Latvian Oabject Language Latvian METALANGAUGE German GENRE General dictionars http://www.tezaurs.lv/mev/
Online vocabulary system of the German language
Oabject Language German METALANGAUGE German GENRE Portals an aggregators http://www.owid.de/
elexiko: Online dictionary for contemporary German
Oabject Language German METALANGAUGE German GENRE Dictionars oan special topics http://www.owid.de/wb/elexiko/start.html
Dictionary of collocations
Oabject Language German METALANGAUGE German GENRE Dictionars oan special topics http://www.owid.de/wb/uwv/start.html
Valency Dictionary of Irish Verbs
Oabject Language Irish METALANGAUGE English, German GENRE Dictionars oan special topics http://www.potafocal.com/fbg/
Dictionary of neologism
Oabject Language German METALANGAUGE German GENRE Dictionars oan special topics http://www.owid.de/wb/neo/start.html
Discourse dictionary of the 1967/68 protest discourse
Oabject Language German METALANGAUGE German GENRE Dictionars oan special topics http://www.owid.de/wb/disk68/start.html
Dictionary of keywords in language use 1989/90
Oabject Language German METALANGAUGE German GENRE Dictionars oan special topics http://www.owid.de/wb/swwz/start.html
Discourse dictionary of the post-war (1945-55) period
Oabject Language German METALANGAUGE German GENRE Dictionars oan special topics http://www.owid.de/wb/disk45/einleitung.html
Swiss Idiotikon: Swiss German Dictionary Oabject Language German METALANGAUGE German GENRE Dictionars oan special topics http://www.idiotikon.ch/
Dictionary of German proverbs
Oabject Language German METALANGAUGE German GENRE Dictionars oan special topics http://www.owid.de/wb/sprw/start.html
Official Rules of the German Spelling : Rules and Vocabulary Oabject Language German METALANGAUGE German GENRE Spelling dictionaries https://grammis.ids-mannheim.de/rechtschreibung/6774
German dictionary by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm Oabject Language German METALANGAUGE German GENRE Historical dictionars http://dwb.uni-trier.de/de/
Oabject Language German METALANGAUGE German GENRE Historical dictionars https://fwb-online.de/
Oabject Language Latin METALANGAUGE German GENRE Historical dictionars http://www.neulatein.de/
Slovene-German Dictionary Oabject Language Slovene METALANGAUGE German GENRE Historical dictionars http://www.fran.si/136/maks-pletersnik-slovensko-nemski-slovar
Terminology Database (gaois.ie)
Oabject Language Irish METALANGAUGE English, French, German GENRE Terminological dictionaries https://www.gaois.ie/trm/
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